
Is this the life of a follower?

I was listening to KTIS one morning as I was getting ready for a hot date with my grandma when a musician being interviewed asked a simple, yet challenging, question: "Is this the life of a follower?"

I didn't need to review my life too far back to come up with an answer: yes, well, maybe...no?

As I generalized the past two years, I would like to say yes; I am living the life of a follower. Two years ago, I committed myself as a follower of Christ by joining the Core Team at St. Raphael's. Focusing my life on Christ, I dedicated myself to a transformation through service and prayer. Therefore, I became His follower.

However, I started to look at the days instead of years, the hours instead of days, bringing me to the many situations where I didn't act like a follower of Christ. I've been a bad example. I don't always practice patience, love, humility, or kindness, nor do I always say the right things or jump to someones aid when they need it.
But I am human, and I've come to terms with this--yet I still hold the daily responsibility of living the life of a follower in every circumstance.

Two years ago, I committed myself as a follower of Christ and continue my journey as one today. But every single day, whether I'm annoyed with my brother or impatient with a peer, I have to continually ask myself that very question to keep me in line.

And so ladies and gents, don't lose sight of the small things.
Are you living the life of a follower?

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